Contact Seeside Advisory for advice on complying with therapeutic goods advertising laws. We offer an obligation free, 15 minute initial chat to explore how we can help you.
You can contact us by:
- email or phone,
- completing the contact form, or
- booking an appointment online.
In the mean time, check out our useful information below for beginner advertisers.
Email and phone
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0406 646 728
Contact form
You can also use the form below to subscribe to Seeside’s email updates.
Book an appointment
Did you know you can also contact Seeside Advisory by booking an appointment online?
Go to our Book an appointment page and find an appointment type and time that suits you.
Useful information
If you are new to advertising therapeutic goods, the following references are useful starting points.
Note that the advertising of therapeutic goods to consumers is subject to laws administered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Advertising for therapeutic goods conducted by health practitioners can also be subject to laws administered by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra).